Xavier Africa - Redefining Efficiency
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Our commitment to serving our investor’s long term interests is evident in the way we build our solutions for maximum effectiveness and profitability. They’re built to be cutting edge and sustainable long term with a major focus on solving problems and providing them as long term services.

Our digital transformation strategies are crafted for the highest adoption rate possible thus we  have managed to more than 3x our investors initial investments in the past two years alone.


Leveraging from Tech to Gain a Competitive Advantage

We have realised that a lot of data is being collected by organizations across the value chain from the marketing to operations to processes and all the way to after sales. As a result this data has been transfused into even more and more industries including manufacturing all the way to mining.

For example, a local mining company is currently using big data analytics to predict when their machines will be due for maintenance.

The rise of big data and cloud computing has subsequently lead to organizations now being able to scale the use of data across multiple platforms because they posses a supercomputer (i.e., the cloud) that is able to go and process their data. As an Organization you can be able to leverage on big data, big data analytics and the rise of cloud by ensuring that you create a sufficient data strategy that can ensure that you capture data throughout the value chain. This way, you can be able to use data to decipher and find meaningful trends.

What is your Goal?

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Why it is time to invest

in a digital firm.

Rise in valuation in Q4 2021, of Technology Firms

Amid rising Omicron variant fears and supply chain issues, the top 25 *technology companies added another $1.8 trillion in market capitalization (MCap) in Q4 2021, according to GlobalData. The leading data and analytics company notes that the top four—AppleMicrosoftAlphabet, and Amazon—accounted for 65% of the valuation gain.

With increasing demand for digitalization and automation, tech companies will keep generating profits for investors. This happens despite the increasing operational costs amid labor shortages and rising labor costs.

Our Best


Our commitment to serving our investor’s long term interests is evident in the way we build our solutions for maximum effectiveness and profitability.

Comprehensive and candid understanding
We recently abetted a Government restructure its digital communication platform. Though attractive on the surface the project was high risk and required we assist in analyzing the value proposition and structuring the platform to achieve maximum value.
Effective and Bespoke
In accordance to the company's key value proposition, all the solutions provided by Xavier are tailor made to meet the client's requirements and business needs. The aim is to create solutions that meet the client where they are and allow them to scale effortlessly. In the process, we create a culture of trust and reliance that converts otherwise one-off clients to repeat customers.
Efficient and Iterative
As a company we use agile methodologies to develop our digital solutions. As such we rely on these methodologies to iterate on the KPIs of our solutions to create maximum impact and ROI. Our use of Convolutional Neural Networks (Artificial Intelligence) ensures that our clients can look forward to solutions that evolve and improve over time.
Diverse and Complementary
All of our solutions i.e.,

- Artificial Intelligent Solutions
- Cloud Platform Development
- Web System development
- Data Analytics
- SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
- Mobile App Development
- Websites
- Chat Bots
- Social-Media Management

are complementary technologies that serve as Xavier's engine to redefining efficiency

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