Xavier Africa - Redefining Efficiency
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About Us

Our Story


At Xavier Africa – we believe that Africa’s DNA is rooted in innovation, creativity and the refusal to accept status quos that do not serve us. This is evidenced by the fact that we introduced the foundational innovations that make our world what it is today – in fact – we made the first fire, the oldest drawings found in history are on our walls, we solved the first mathematical equations and quite frankly are the cradle of humanity. But in the process, we lost our way – where were we when the first lightbulb was switched on? Where were we when the first computer was switched on? Where were we when the first cameras captured pictures? And as the world goes into the next revolution, we risk being left behind again – we risk never solving the systemic problems that lie in our societies. 

In July 2017, our co-founders decided that they were not willing to wait on the sidelines for someone else to come and solve the problems that lie deep in our continent! Since then, the Xavier team has grown to 20 team members (comprised of designers,  software engineers, process engineers and digital transformation specialists), has two offices (Gaborone and Johannesburg) and has served dozens of clients across Botswana, South Africa & Zimbabwe.

What We Value

Our Values

Radical Transparency.

Efficiency is at the heartbeat of our business operation – both in our service provision and within every solution we build for our clients. The expectation at Xavier Africa is simple – we endeavor to create the best possible solution for clients within budget and timeline! Therefore, all our processes are streamlined for efficiency, our teams are held at the highest standards for efficiency & all our client solutions are tested for optimal efficiency! 

Xavier Africa’s main mandate is to deliver excellence through every solution we provide to clients. We ensure that this excellence is actualised and maintained by recruiting the top 1% of graduates across Africa, taking them through our rigorous internal training program and continuously setting incredibly high standards for them! Furthermore, beyond our technical acumen, we are dedicated to service excellence & ensuring that every Xavier Africa customer gets a solution that solves the big underlying problems that hinder their organizations’ success.

We believe that simplicity is the ultimate form of innovation. Therefore, Xavier Africa aims to create and maintain an organization that is always creating the simplest possible solution that solves the root cause of contemporary business problems. We take our time in creating multiple concepts, testing them for end user simplicity and deploying the simplest possible solution for maximum impact!

We believe that in order to get the best possible outcome – everyone involved in any project must be in pursuit of truth. To create an opportunity for truth to be explored – everyone must have an opportunity to get a full view into everything happening within the project, access to all information available and be allowed to query or question anything with willing listeners on the other hand. Therefore, we offer full transparency to our internal team members and clientele throughout every project and expect the same from them. 

Service Areas

Service Areas

Operational Inefficiencies
About Our Work Our Insights Case Studies Xavier Africa11/11/2022Operational InefficienciesIn the 21st century, speed of service and cost ...
How We Do It

Case Studies

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